Thursday 3 May 2012


             My advert for the Turtle Beach X11 appeals to my target audience as it has a wide use of colours that appeal to people who play games; furthermore it may attract young people with the colours. I used the persuasive technique of personal appeal in my advert; this is because it is more of a personal appeal than anything else that causes people to buy this product, especially with the slogan “LISTEN TO THE WORLD IN HIGH QUALITY”. One of needs from Maslow's hierarchy of needs that is used in the advert is “respect by others” listed under “Esteem”. This is because with the catchy slogan and colors people may feel that they are not being respected if others have the product but they do not, furthermore their friends may have the product but they may not, thus leading them to purchase the item. An ideology attached to my product is style. This is because the stylish design and text may attract people as it is stylish, thus thinking it will improve their style.